May Floods in Ghor: Thousans of Lives in Existential Threat

The floods on month of May took thousands of lives. Afghanistan is very prone to the effects of climate change and these floods were the very symtomps of it.

August 04, 2024

Calammity in the face of us!

Floods in Ghor and Faryab provinces the provinces of Ghor and Faryab in Afghanistan were struck by very heavy floods that wreaked havoc on communities already vulnerable due to lack of infrastructure and road challenges. These floods, occurring on May 17th and 18th, highlighted the devastating impact of extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change and lack infrastructure to control open river waters .


The biggest Flood in the last decade has hit AFghanistan. The people of Afghan are in front-line for the threat of climate change.

SRO In Action

The team of SRO was very quick to act when these earthquakes hit herat city. Rising funds for the people who have lost their home in the harsh earthquakes. Our activities consisted of :

The Team of S.R.O was quick to act when these floods hit the ghor province. distributed blankets and 50$ Cash money to people who had lost their home in the floods. Totally 5000 families were supported by the very hardworking team of S.R.O . The floods in Ghor and Faryab were primarily caused by a combination of heavy rainfalls and the melting of snow from the surrounding mountainous regions and lack infrastructure for dams, water controlling systems, low quality home (made of out clay ) The region's topography, characterized by steep mountains and narrow valleys, funneled the rainwater and melting snow into powerful torrents. Resulting in catastrophic floods all over ghor and Faryab provinces. In addition the Ghor province lacks roads that makes reach and placement of people harder. The main road connecting Herat to Ghor and from Ghor to Kabul has been completely Destroyed Because of 40 years of war in Afghanistan and lack of attention of Authorities present their or in higher offices. The floods in Ghor and Faryab were devastating for the local populations, particularly in rural areas where communities are heavily dependent on agriculture. Thousands of homes were destroyed or severely damaged, displacing families and leaving them without shelter, food, or clean water. The floods also wiped out crops and livestock, which are the primary sources of livelihood for many residents. This loss not only threatened immediate food security but also had long-term implications for the economic stability of the region

Flood hit areas in the southwestern region in Afghanistan. It had caused people total losses both on lives and economically.


SRO In Results

Addressing the devastating flood-hit areas in southwestern requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the immediate needs of affected communities while also laying the groundwork for long-term recovery and resilience. The team of S.R.O proposes a plan that prioritizes the provision of emergency shelter and essential amenities, with a focus on rebuilding and revitalizing the community.

The plan aims to provide a safe and secure environment for flood-affected families, enabling them to rebuild their lives and livelihoods. This includes the provision of temporary housing units, equipped with basic necessities such as beds, cooking utensils, and sanitation facilities. Additionally, the plan includes the distribution of essential items such as food, water, and hygiene products, as well as the provision of medical care and psychological support to those affected.